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Contest scores added for CQWWCW and ARRL 160
I’ve updated the contest scores for both the CQ WW CW contest and the ARRL 160 contest. Please check them out on the contest scores page. Please let me know of any changes, additions or deletions. 73, George N2GA
Read MoreARRL 160
ARRL 160 Meter Contest – Contest Rules
Read MoreCQ WW CW Contest
CQ World-Wide DX Contest CW Contest Rules
Read MoreNew Links Page
I’ve added a new page for useful links. See: Links and let me know of any additioins, changes or deletions. Links are also available on any page in the footer area under “Pages” and “Links”.
Read MoreNew Contest Scores Page
Check out the new contest scores page at Contest Scores. It is also accessible from the footer area of any page under “Pages” and “Contest Scores”. Let me know what you think!
Read MoreCQ WW SSB Contest
CQ World-Wide DX Contest SSB Contest Rules
Read MoreNYQP NA2M SOLP Mixed
My tale of woe… I lost all 150 40M QSOs when I tried to use N1MM to send a CW exchange. I received a message that a file was missing, e.g. DLPORTIO.dll. It was not missing, but the computer locked up and after an hour trying to fix it I gave up and had to reinstall N1MM. I had saved…
Hoot, Saturday was a crazy day here so didn’t have much time for NYQP. Did manage to get on for an hour or so and below is the meager results.. I did work KA2D and K2LE on 80 CW. Sorry I missed the rest of the flock… 73, Ted K2QMF P.S. – Keep those cards and letters coming. ——— Forwarded…
Read MoreNYQP N2FF SOLP Mixed
Operated some 6 and a half hours with a number of computer hang ups and slow CW response. As Mike noted there were a lot of Owls to work. That was great! Operated low power using telnet (rules say nothing/nada about assisted) and was posting many stations As Tom mentioned I operated no RTTY as the JARTS contest was on…
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