Was able to operate only 5 hours.
Had to QRT at 17:00 Local to head for Big Apple for dinner and chamber music concert at 92nd Street Y. (Excellent performance by Takacs Quartet!)
So missed out on the opportunity to work 75 meters — which was my biggest band last year (139 Q’s).
Still did better this year in five hours than last year in six:
Band QSOs Pts Sec Mul
7 177 177 65 1
14 88 88 22 0
Total 265 265 87 1
Score : 23,320 (vs. 13,845 last year)
99.9% running.
Didn’t hear many stations calling CQ-NYQP (but lots of JOTA stations).
But based on my runs, seemed like there was much more activity this year than last.
Last year’s score was good for #2 statewide SOLP-SSB.
Don’t think that will be the case this time.
Worked lots of Owls: N2FF (twice), N2YBB, NA2M, KA2D, W2LK.
Still looking for K2LE on SSB. 🙂
Worked 45 of 62 counties — including four out of five in NYC. (Bronx, where were you?)
Also, lots of former New Yorkers and specifically Long Islanders — including WB8RAE who got that call in WVA, is now resident in Florida, but grew up in my old neighborhood in Laurelton. Small world.
Great fun.
On to CQWW!!
Mel – KS2G