Worked the contest for 10 1/2 hours SOLP Mixed. I don’t think I ever worked so many Owls in one contest: KS2G, N2FF, NA2M, W2LK, K2LE, KA2D, K2LE.
Here is the summary:
Band Mode QSOs Pts Sec Mul
1.8 CW 1 2 0 0
1.8 LSB 2 2 0 0
3.5 CW 23 46 1 0
3.5 LSB 110 110 2 0
7 CW 23 46 4 0
7 LSB 173 173 66 1
14 USB 3 3 3 0
Tottal Both 335 382 76 1
Score : 29,414
I think I may have won Brooklyn again 🙂
Mike N2YBB