CQ World-Wide DX Contest SSB Contest Rules
Read MoreMonth: October 2010
From The Desk of N2FF
FOR RELEASE: IMMEDIATE (Wednesday, October 27, 2010) CQWW DX Contest Expands Recognition for Assisted Categories (Hicksville, NY October 27, 2010) –The SSB weekend of the CQ World Wide DX Contest is this coming weekend, and CQWW Contest Director Bob Cox, K3EST, is highlighting the expanded and strengthened award program for the Assisted categories, as of this…
Read MoreNYQP NA2M SOLP Mixed
My tale of woe… I lost all 150 40M QSOs when I tried to use N1MM to send a CW exchange. I received a message that a file was missing, e.g. DLPORTIO.dll. It was not missing, but the computer locked up and after an hour trying to fix it I gave up and had to reinstall N1MM. I had saved…
Hoot, Saturday was a crazy day here so didn’t have much time for NYQP. Did manage to get on for an hour or so and below is the meager results.. I did work KA2D and K2LE on 80 CW. Sorry I missed the rest of the flock… 73, Ted K2QMF P.S. – Keep those cards and letters coming. ——— Forwarded…
Read MoreNYQP N2FF SOLP Mixed
Operated some 6 and a half hours with a number of computer hang ups and slow CW response. As Mike noted there were a lot of Owls to work. That was great! Operated low power using telnet (rules say nothing/nada about assisted) and was posting many stations As Tom mentioned I operated no RTTY as the JARTS contest was on…
Hoots! Was able to operate only 5 hours. Had to QRT at 17:00 Local to head for Big Apple for dinner and chamber music concert at 92nd Street Y. (Excellent performance by Takacs Quartet!) So missed out on the opportunity to work 75 meters — which was my biggest band last year (139 Q’s). Still did better this year in…
Worked a few Owls : N2YBB, W2LK, K2QMF, N2FF never heard NA2M. Was looking for KS2G on CW – still looking K3 radio functioned perfectly. Hooties Andy K2LE ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Date: Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 10:29 PM Subject: NyQP K2LE SOCW HP To: 3830@contesting.com, K2LE@arrl.net New York QSO Party Call: K2LE Operator(s): K2LE Station: K2LE Class:…
Read MoreNYQP N2YBB SOLP Mixed
Worked the contest for 10 1/2 hours SOLP Mixed. I don’t think I ever worked so many Owls in one contest: KS2G, N2FF, NA2M, W2LK, K2LE, KA2D, K2LE. Here is the summary: Band Mode QSOs Pts Sec Mul 1.8 CW 1 2 0 0 1.8 LSB 2 2 0 0 3.5 CW 23 46 1 0 3.5 LSB 110 110…
Read MoreNYQP KA2D SO LP mixed
Hoot hoot NYQP Call: KA2D Class: SOMixed LP Operating Time (hrs): 5 +/- Summary: Band CW Qs Ph Qs Dig Qs —————————- 160: 0 0 0 80: 54 0 0 40: 108 48 0 20: 0 0 0 15: 0 0 0 10: 2 0 0 —————————- Total: 164 48 0 Mults = 68 Total Score = 25,568 Club: Order…
Read MoreNYC-LI YCCC Area Meeting
A pre CQWW New York City – Long Island YCCC meeting will be held Saturday Oct 23, 12:30 PM at the Town of Babylon EOC located in basement of Town Hall, 200 E Sunrise Hwy, N Lindenhurst. Thanks to our host Great South Bay ARC. ( www.gsbarc.org ) Meeting Agenda: Introductions CQWW planning General BS YCCC dues can be collected – check your…
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