HRU 2011

Bethpage, New York – On Sunday, January 9, 2011 at 8 AM the doors of Briarcliffe College will open for the 12th annual Ham Radio University (HRU) which is also the ARRL New York City/Long Island Section Convention. Ham Radio University 2011 is a day of activities focused on education to share ideas, experiences, knowledge and fellowship.

The hourly forums, over twenty in all, will be on topics including satellite communications, grounding and lightning protection, antennas, Radio Frequency Interference, digital modes, Echolink and VOIP, contesting, low power operating using radios as small as a tuna tin and the latest in software defined radio and remote station operation. A live ham radio station will be operating and visitors will be able to experience ham radio communications firsthand by getting “on the air”. There will also be a session in the late afternoon for those who would like to take a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) exam to become a “ham” radio operator.

HRU 2011 is a cooperative effort between radio clubs and related organizations in the New York City – Long Island area. CERT, the Salvation Army, National Weather Service, Friends of

Kay Craigie N3KN

Long Island Wireless, the Radio Central Amateur Radio Club, The Kings County Repeater Association, the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club, the Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club, Nassau Amateur Radio Club and others will have information available about ham radio classes, public service events and other activities. The keynote speaker at HRU this year is Kay Craigie N3KN, President of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national organization for ham radio operators.

Check the website for forum schedule and directions.

There is free parking and the cafeteria will be open for breakfast and lunch. Suggested donation $3
Ham Radio University 2011 / ARRL NYC/LI Section Convention
“A day of education to share ideas, experiences, knowledge and fellowship among Amateur Radio operators”
Media please contact: Diane Ortiz

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